Title: Thelma
Summary: Thelma Post is a 93-year-old grandmother who loses $10,000 to a con artist on the phone. With help from a friend and his motorized scooter, she soon embarks on a treacherous journey across Los Angeles to reclaim what was taken from her.
Cast: June Squibb, Fred Hechinger, Richard Roundtree
Run-time: 97 minutes
Rated: PG-13
TAGS: | Culture |
The Schaumburg Township District Library serves in excess of 134,000 residents in portions of the municipalities Elk Grove Village, Hanover Park, Hoffman Estates, Schaumburg and Streamwood. With over 1 million visitors each year, the library circulates over 2,000,000 items annually and is the second largest public library in the state of Illinois.